
很興奮終於有時間來讀這本蒙福人生( The Blessed Life by Robert Morris) 羅伯特莫里斯 Gateway 教會主任牧師所著。常常聽到別人推薦這本書,果然不錯,一翻開就看到我喜歡的句子“你的生命就會被翻轉,而且變得更好,你也肯定會得到財務上的報酬⋯⋯甚至還會對神的國度帶來巨大的影響”。太棒了這就是我想要的。











有一次我小組的人約我一起讀經,說好每天讀ㄧ章,分享經文中的亮光。為了不讓約我的人失望,我真的每天每天都找出幾分鐘的時間讀經文,總結這經文的意思,在 wechat or Line 的讀經群組分享自己的亮光,自己讀完就可以發到群裡,互相給個讚。支持了一個禮拜,兩個禮拜,三四個月了,我好喜歡我們的讀經族群,每天都有期待這一段讀經分享的時間。在剛開始的時候,不敢相信可以支持這麼久,更不敢相信有一天會覺得讀聖經是一件高興的事。希望這個方法可以幫助你讀完聖經,更加了解聖經。










創世紀2:24 “人要離開父母,與妻子結合,二人成為一體。”


舊約:利未記18:22 “不可跟男人同寢,像跟女人同寢;這是可憎惡的事”。利未記20:13″男人若跟男人同寢,像跟女人同寢,他們二人行了可憎惡的事,必被處死,血要歸在他們身上”。

新約:羅馬書 1:27 “男人也是如此,放棄了和女人自然的關係,慾火攻心,男的和男的彼此貪戀,行可恥的事,就在自己身上受這逆性行為當得的報應。”


iPhoto management for multiple Apple IDs

This topic had in my mind for a long while, I hate losing valuable pictures in my family but I hate to spent unproductive time organising photos then necessary. Hence, I had been sharing an Apple ID with my parents just because is easy for me to manage the photos they took. I can view the photos they took, delete if I want (you can imaging how blurring photos) and backup without touching their devices. This was back in iPhoto stream days and I had the streaming function enabled. Life was great except I need to make sure the FaceTime, iMessage etc etc account selection for all apps are set up correctly cross all the devices (I believed we had 8 devices on the same Apple ID at one time).

However I had threw this perfect setting out, when the new function – sync phone call cross the devices come alone. Don’t give me wrong, I love the convenience of able to pick up a call from everywhere but things start to get crazy when one phone ring all the devices are ring and we don’t know whose call is it. Its time had to create a seperate Apple ID for them.

I would really recommend set up a Family account for this situation so minimum work to handle the 2nd Apple ID. A Family Account or not is not relevant but sharing photos between 2 different Apple ID there is just no sexy way to do this. I had spend time researching and thinking a long term solution to mange the photos between different Apple ID while all the technology still changing and Apple still working out the iPhoto stream-icloud configuration. I believed I had found a workable solution.

Here are the steps:

  1. Set up a Dropbox account in their ISO / OS devices
  2. Make sure they turn on the “Camera Upload” automation (which is a default anyway), and open the dropbox time-to-time syncing the photos on devices to Dropbox
  3. Import the photos from Dropbox account to your iPhoto account
  4. Remember to clear the photos you imported from the Dropbox so keep it organised and clear for the upload of next batch.

Hope this helps. It certainly a big time saver for me and never losing a great memory.

Easy way to import photos from Dropbox to iPhoto

The dropbox automate synching photos of your ISO or OS devices but it’s only saved the photo files on the filing system and not directly to iPhoto. Hence you will need to do an extra steps to import photos to the iPhoto.

import photos
dropbox to iPhoto

Here are what you do:

1) After logging into DropBox, open iPhoto.

2) Top selection of iPhoto, select “File”, in file drop down, select “Import to Library” wait a second. It will open the import window.

3) Locate ” DropBox ”

4) Select the DropBox file you saved and would like to import.

Steps are super simple and this seems the only way can import photos by folder and not individually. Give a go.

Is it possible to possum proof your roof?

Yes, it can done. However, I been told many times by the contractors working on the roof or gutter or random people, that it is not possible to possum proof my house because it is surrounded by forests, the tree branches are hanging just above the roof and it has too many angles –  entry points for the possum. When we close one entry hole, they will dig another one straight away using their strong crows.

We had possums come in and out of the roof nearly every day for the past 20 years, some times they are knocking behind the plaster walls during day time, we did not have real problem with that before. Well, just to say that we were able to put up with the small inconvenience –  can’t tell if its possum or ninja visiting the arctic, and occasionally sweeping dropping of the possum or facing the big rat looking figure on the windscreen.One of the Autumn night, my family suspected something smell off, next day we were able to confirm the suspicion with strong odour and google madly for the help. We found this wonderful company that were able to come first thing next day and remove the dead body, confirmed it was a dead possum. For the price of $250, he deodorised the roof and take away the dead body, I don’t want to get into too much of gruesome detail -just say that if you want to inspect the job you can. Be prepared that the smell linger around for another 3 days even after deodorised, it was a very foul smell – well, its the dead possum smell. In this experience I also found that I can roof proof for possum and delighted to know that the price is under $250 with 1-3 years warranty!

possum proof
Knowing this of course I asked the nice guy to come back and do the job, which involve seal off the roof, set a cage and come back next few days to remove the cage in case the possum were inside the roof when roof are sealed. You know that possums are protect animals and you can’t kill them or take them too far away from their home otherwise can kills them?

I have been sleep sound without have to worry my ninja visitors for 2nd months now. Very happy with the result, so far so good, I will update you if condition changed.

Is Medibank Private made things difficult to make a claim

Yes, I believed so. Through my multiple encounters with the Medibank Private, I do feel that they are deliberately making the claim process (at least the Medical claims) vague, confusing, and paper base to delay the rebate payment. However things are improving -very slowly.

Is making an Extra Claim with Medibank Private easy? What I found the process to make an “Extra” claim- fair enough, click on above link to see the details. However this is not the case for making other claims.medical-cross-2-1211409-1280x1280

Lets now talk about “Hospital” and “Medical” Claims. Hospital Claims – I loved it – I never seen a single bill!! I was administrated in a Private Hospital for 4 days and I don’t even know how much it costed. I probably have to mentioned my plan have Hospital Cover. After been with Medibank over 20 years, I finally feel it has being put to a good use.

Medical Claim OMG this process is a nightmare, I had my operation last September and now is May the claim still on hold due to ‘missing information’. Serious?! I have OK intelligence (I believe) and did a bit of reading on Medibank website before operation and I had few doctors and nurses friends explained a bit about the process but I still not able to close this sooner and had been calling and running around between Medicare and Medibank. Boiled down the issues all come to one conclusion- “I believed Medibank is making the process very difficult for people to make a Medical claim”. Few reasons 1-The website did not explain the full process. 2 -The claim can not be made online, you need to print and mail and it did not tell you what is required to be included. 3-They need a ‘Statement of Beneficiary’ from Medicare which you are not able to get online but have to go to Medicare to ask them for print out. None of these make sense and they can make simple modification if they cares about their customer.

So, after all the hard learning “Here is how to make a medical claim with Medibank Private”?

Is making an ‘Extra’ claim with Medibank Private easy?

Yes, it is quite straight forward. However there is a huge missing piece information that prevent you making a conscious purchasing decision.

The process to make an “Extra” claim- easy enough, if you are familiar with online banking, purchasing stuff online then this should be no problem for you. The receipts you obtained from clinic and practices are very clear and you are able to punch in the information directly from the receipts to complete the claim. However,  what annoys me is you are NOT able to know the services you done is claimable or not, unless you spent the money and got the service code to punch in the system to make the claim. I spent some time searched up and down trying find a webpage/app that able to let me know if my plan cover the services after put in the service code or even a description of services  – better even if it tells me how much I will get rebate. However there is no such thing. The medical services are super technical – I was trying to match the description to my cover item – there is no way I would know Code 121 Remineralising agent-app will be rebated? If yes how much? Seems to me we still operate on the ‘Trust’ system here, I do hope you have friends in all medical fields that helps you make an informed decision.



經文: 約翰福音15: 9-17

  1. 我愛你們,正如父愛我一樣;你們要常在我的愛裡。
  2. 你們若遵守我的命令,就常在我的愛裡,正如我遵守了我父的命令,常在他的愛裡。
  3. 這些事我已經對你們說了,是要叫我的喜樂存在你們心裡,並叫你們的喜樂可以滿足。
  4. 你們要彼此相愛,像我愛你們一樣;這就是我的命令。
  5. 人為朋友捨命,人的愛心沒有比這個大的。
  6. 你們若遵行我所吩咐的,就是我的朋友了。
  7. 以後我不再稱你們為僕人,因僕人不知道主人所做的事。我乃稱你們為朋友;因我從我父所聽見的,已經都告訴你們了。
  8. 不是你們揀選了我,是我揀選了你們,並且分派你們去結果子,叫你們的果子常存,使你們奉我的名,無論向父求什麼,他就賜給你們。
  9. 我這樣吩咐你們,是要叫你們彼此相愛。


這個幾段經文中常出現的字是什麼? :愛


我們要開始討論愛,愛的第一個範例就是:我們唸一下第九節-我愛你們,正如父愛我一樣; 你們要常在我的愛裡


Jesus and us









































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